Become a Sponsor

Cinema has always been an unparalleled vehicle for the promotion of Italian Culture in the world. Thanks to its particular itinerant nature and a program of high cultural and artistic quality, every year N.I.C.E. Festival brings Italian style to the USA, Russia and Europe.

N.I.C.E. Festival is today one of the best opportunities for “Brand Awareness” and communication for Italian companies (and not only) that intend to access the international markets that are currently more receptive: each set and location of the films presented offers an opportunity for viewers to admire the clothes worn by actor and actresses, to familiarize with the decor of our homes, with our way to experiencing food, with our culture, to dream about our landscapes and to enjoy the so-called “Italian Style”.

Investing in N.I.C.E. Festival means believing in culture and in the Italian Lifestyle, and at the same time allows you to bring your brand to the international stage through a high-level cultural channel; finally, it allows you to promote the best of Italian film culture in the world and thus participate in national cultural progress.

“For business and foundations that offer financial support to public or private non-profit entities for the purpose of promoting, organizing, and managing cultural activities, enhancing the cultural heritage and the landscape and boosting tourism are granted tax benefits provided by Tuscany Region (Regional Law No. 18 of 5 April 2017) and national law (Law No. 106 of 29 July 2014).”

For more informations on sponsorship opportunities, please write to

Support as a private individual

Private citizens who wish to contribute to the realization of N.I.C.E. Festival can do so by means of a bank transfer in the name of:

Associazione N.I.C.E.
Banca Intesa San Paolo – Filiale 68471
Via Bufalini, 4 – 50122 Firenze
IBAN: IT97 D030 6902 8871 0000 0009 035
c/c: 1000 / 9035

Work with N.I.C.E. Festival

If you love cinema and have some spare time to dedicate to N.I.C.E. Festival during one of our events, join us as a volunteer! Here are the figures we are looking for:

  • Social Media Manager to promote the Festival on our social channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
  • Communication and photo&video documentation to tell the story of the festivals with videos and images
  • Logistic support and public relation to help us managing directors and actors in Florence
  • Italian / English or Russian translators to take care of the festivals’ promotional material and foreign guests

In exchange for your precious collaboration, you will have the opportunity to access the screenings of the N.I.C.E. Festival stage for which you will help us and to get in touch with the directors and actors travelling from Italy to present their films!

For more informations, please write to